Lean Solution Pvt Ltd is a newly established institution in Bangladesh which affiliated to Institute of Lean Management Sri Lanka and also collaborated with Hirayama Corporation Japan who is an expert in Toyota Production System. The faculty of Lean Solutions comprise with industrial professionals, manufacturing experts in Sri Lanka and Japanese experts/ Trainers who worked for Toyota Motor Corporation.
There is “no one size fits all,” our approach depends on the nature of the business, operating system and the organizational culture.
We have identified the most workable strategies and pragmatic approaches which really suits national culture and programs to address today’s business needs and future challenges with more forms on loss based training.
We introduces the way to do more and more with less and less human effort, less equipment, less time and less space while coming closer to providing customers with exactly what they need and transforms any operation in any sector, opening up new strategic opportunities.
As an outright, we strengthen capabilities and leadership skills of students and the professionals at every phase and every favorable circumstance. We operate in this manner to strengthen internal backing, get to authentic controversy, and reach practical recommendations. Lean solutions Pvt Ltd. reforms the competences of professionals to undertake the processes and the ongoing work.
What is Lean?
Lean Management is an integrated set of principles, practices, tools and techniques designed to address the root causes of operational underperformance. It is a systematic approach to eliminating the all sources of losses and waste from entire value streams in order to close up the gap between actual performance and the requirements of customers and shareholders. Its objective is to optimize cost, quality and delivery while improving safety. To meet this objective, it tries to eliminate three key sources of loss from the operating system. It is waste, variability and inflexibility. As an initial step Lean will bring problems to the surface and develop the capability in problem solving of all employees and gradually all employees will be developed as waste watchers and change agents and inculcate continuous improvement culture in the organization. Engage everybody every day in problem solving with analytical mind, creative and breakthrough thinking is the path to Lean enterprise. The new technology and innovations will be strengthening the lean journey.